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Last modified: Jan 15, 2007
[ ->Japanese Version ]


- A Handmade Dual Line Sports Kite -
with Traditional-style Painting
Casve-1 image

In Japan, a kite has been made using bamboo and paper for a long time. I also used to make kites of a traditional style in my school days. Even now, bamboo and paper are important materials for kites. Several months ago, I purchased the rods of bamboo for a gardening. I found it is very light and has toughness, so they can be used to make a sports kite. I started trying to make a bamboo-framed sports kite, and fly it.

Main feature:


Flight Characteristics:


Some of the materials described below are hard to obtain outside of Japan. Please search for the alternatives around you.
made of bamboo spars(before painting)

Kite Plans:


I'm not a bridle expert. So, these length are not the ones of best-tuned, but acceptable for me.
Each length are measured from connector to tow point.(measured on kite)


I'd used color marking pens.
before painting painted

Special thanks to:

Mr.Notoya / Mr.Fuse / Shuno

by CASVEKITE inserted by FC2 system